I’m learning to let things fail..…

Intense, but true.

Jobs, friendships, relationships, projects, goals, expectations. You name it.

Trying to avoid failure, and wanting for everything to be a success gets to be exhausting.

“Failing” is not as bad as the world makes it out to be. Welcoming it when it arrives opposed to running the other way brings a lot of peace, actually.

In a way, failures are sort of like organic endings. Sometimes unexpected and brutal, but organic and possibly necessary.

Accepting failure has been something I’ve been working on this past year; more than i’d like to admit.

Up until now, I’d fight for things, circumstances, and people that could care less about doing the same in return. I would try to make things work, while ignoring the signs that it wasn’t meant to be. Because I wanted it to be so badly.

But, after a while, you can’t help but wonder, “What’s the point?” “What’s the point in wanting something so deeply when I have no true control over whether or not it will actually happen for me?” “What if it’s just not meant to be?”

I’ve felt this way about marriage and becoming a mom as i’ve gotten older.

Wanting has never truly helped outcomes align with my own personal hopes and desires. “Failure” is still always a big possibility no matter how badly I may want something to happen to me, or for me.

My level of desire has no real impact on the outcome.

I’ve come to the conclusion that, maybe I’m better off not waiting for, or wanting for anything at all? Does failure exist then? Without wanting so deeply, is anything truly a “failure”?

You can’t fail when you’re just going with the flow. No outcome in mind.

Wanting doesn’t seem to be enough, and honestly, it hurts to want deeply.

I’ve learned to just chill, welcome and embrace what comes and chooses to stay; and simultaneously, smile and wave goodbye to what chooses not to – accepting “failure”.

It feels a lot better going about life in this way. 

I appreciate you for taking the time to read this post! Please, stay tuned for more.

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